Bruce and Bonnie's Unofficial Akro Agate Collectors Page

Akro Agate Ashtrays

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Heinz 57 Heinz 57 pickle dish or ashtray, whatever you want to call it.
Square Ashtrays All of our prized Square Ashtrays
Hamilton ashtray Hamilton Match Holder complete with the refill.
Tire ashtrays Tire ashtrays and pen holder. Those in front are US Rubber and the others are Goodrich.
Eight sided ashtray Unusual eight sided ashtray. Marked with USA and the Crow. This one is scratched on the inside. Can scratches be polished out of glass?
Rectangular ashtrays Rectangular ashtrays. Some have short tabs and some have long tabs.
Leaf ashtrays Leaf ashtrays.
Car ashtrays Car ashtrays with the rubber suction cups. We looked hard to find one of these. We knew it had panels but didn't know how many. The first one we purchased was the one on the right. Later we discovered it wasn't Akro because theirs had ten panels. The one on the left is real.
Shell ashtrays Shell ashtrays. Usually you can always find one of these sitting around.
Heavy ashtrays This is our heavy ashtray, hexagonal ashtrays, and cigarette holders.
Hamilton ashtray Akro bomber ashtray - Thats what the tag said. We think the bomb was added to the Hamilton ashtray - But who knows.
Ashtrays Various Akro ashtrays including The Hotel Edison, several Rotrays and the figure ashtrays. The figure ashtrays are fun to find because you never know whats going to be on them.

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